Gifts in wills

What to do

  1. Consult a legal practitioner about your Will, and leaving a gift in your Will to help others through Lutheran Media, after you have taken care of your family.
  2. Talk to your family about your plans, so they can share your joy in what you will do to help others.
  3. Your legal practitioner can then use the wording that follows to express your wishes:
    • I hereby bequeath to Lutheran Media Inc of 197 Archer Street, North Adelaide, South Australia (insert your bequest here – the whole of my estate / % of my estate / sum of $… / description of property) to be used by Lutheran Media in its mission to share messages of hope in Jesus Christ.
  4. Consider telling us that you have decided to leave a gift in your Will to Lutheran Media. This means we can thank you properly, and update you on what your future gift will do for the people you help. Simply contact Lutheran Media on 1800 353 350 or

Gifts in wills

A lasting gift for generations to come

At Lutheran Media we are passionate about sharing messages of hope to those who need it the most. From childhood through to the senior years we want everyone to know the hope that is found in Jesus.

Since 1945 we have communicated stories of hope, love, and acceptance that are found in Jesus Christ. As we approach our 80th anniversary we are so grateful to the dedication of our loyal friends who have donated to Lutheran Media.

A gift in your Will to Lutheran Media is simply another way supporters may donate to us. After loved ones are looked after we hope that you may consider us in your Will so, together, we can continue to reach future generations with God’s love.

We understand that your Will is entirely private to you, and you may not be planning to change or make it right now. We simply want to let you know that a gift in your Will can make a huge difference to the lives of others.

It’s our hope that we reach millions and millions more people in the future and keep sharing gospel messages.  Having an accurate and up to date Will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Not only will it reduce financial and emotional stress for them, but it also ensures your assets go where you want them to, so the people you love are well looked after.

Did you know gifts in Wills are one of the most important fundraising streams for charities? Around 20% of all charity revenue comes from gifts in Wills. Australians really are a generous bunch and want to leave a lasting legacy. If you do decide to leave a gift to us, your legacy will continue beyond your lifetime, and you’ll be partnering with Lutheran Media into the future. If you would like further information about your options, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing